Private Client
You’ve earned a higher level of service.
As a Private Client, you get more than just a personalized portfolio, you get a team dedicated to helping you reach your goals. Tap into our expertise in legacy planning, private equity, and more.

$20.8 Billion
Over $20.8B assets under management
Private Clients in all 50 States
$12.48 Billion
Private Client assets under management
We fully invest in you.
Our personalized portfolio management takes your legacy holdings and cost basis into account, with an emphasis on institutional-style diversification and risk management.
Portfolio Customization
We take all your investments and assets into account when building your portfolio and come up with a game plan in helping you with stock options, private company stocks and highly appreciated securities.
Tax Efficiency
We minimize your tax liability by using municipal bonds, and tax-managed individual stocks. Your income generating assets are put in tax deferred accounts and capital gain generating assets are put in taxable accounts.
Suite Of Private Banking Services
You get a broad, life-simplifying suite of products and services exclusively for Private Clients through our partnership with BNY Mellon.
Private Equity Access
Access a diversified basket of private equity investments to build a portfolio previously only accessed by large, institutional investors.
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Private Client.
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Comprehensive Investment Strategy
We start by listening to you, through discussions with your advisors, then we take a look at your Dashboard to build a personalized portfolio. As your life changes, the strategy adjusts and adapts, so it aligns with your changing needs.
Smart Weighting is our strategy for giving your portfolio more even exposure across size, economic sector, industry, and individual securities. In a hypothetical back-test* from 1990 to end of June 2019, Smart Weighting would have produced better returns with a lower risk profile (measured by standard deviation) than a traditional market-capitalization weighted index like the S&P 500.
If appropriate, we’ll put together a tax analysis before we make adjustments to your portfolio. This way you’ll see potential impact of any adjustments, plus other options, to help you make a decision you’re comfortable with. We deploy strategies such as tax location (placing higher yielding securities in tax-sheltered accounts) and proactive, year-round tax loss harvesting. We do these on an ongoing basis, to increase tax efficiency. We also like to avoid inefficient investments, like mutual funds.
Once your target strategy is set, sticking to that target is key. Using our proprietary software, we monitor your account on a daily basis to uncover rebalancing opportunities as they arise. We then make adjustments if appropriate, buying when things are lower than their target & selling when they are higher than target, to help you stay on track. This combination of people and technology allows us to rebalance as-needed, rather than on a rigid, calendar-driven schedule.
We prefer individual stocks and ETFs for two main reasons. First, they are key to our Smart Weighting™ strategy. Additionally, we can manage them in a tax efficient way and rebalance in a more precise manner. We avoid mutual funds because they come with tax inefficiencies and, in many cases, there are high fees tied to actively managed funds.
Muni bonds are often a great way to generate tax-free income within your portfolio. When it’s appropriate, we’ll use individual municipal bonds from your state of residence. Of course, if you live in a state that does not pay state income tax, individual municipal bonds may not be the best option for you. As your fiduciary advisor, we’ll discuss how best to incorporate munis into your strategy if your situation warrants.
For investors who have $5+ million in liquid assets to invest, and who meet other specific criteria, Private Equity may be incorporated into your portfolio. Private Equity allows you to access companies that do not trade on public stock exchanges. Historically, top tier Private Equity funds have been shown to outperform public markets. Along with a potential boost in performance, incorporating Private Equity allows you to diversify into an additional asset class. When building a Private Equity portfolio, we recommend you do so over multiple years so we can commit small amounts of capital to a variety of funds to ensure a properly diversified Private Equity component.**
** Available to certain qualified clients that meet suitability requirements and have $5 million or more invested with Personal Capital
Your portfolio is separately managed from all other clients and is never pooled. This way, we can fully take into account your personal investment needs and preferences. This may be a fully integrated Socially Responsible Portfolio, or simply avoiding a certain stock due to large outside exposure or compliance issues, and any adjustment in between. The majority of our clients choose to customize their portfolio in some way, so simply chat with your advisor to find out how we can best fit your needs.
Holistic Financial Planning
ou save for retirement. But what about retirement spending? With the combination of our skilled advisors and proprietary Smart Withdrawal™ Tool, we can help you plan how to withdraw and spend money in retirement. The Smart Withdrawal Tool factors in your data and adjusts in real time to keep your cash flow planning on track.
College is expensive, but we can help you put together a plan to fund education goals over time. From the highest level goal of “I want to pay for my child’s education” to the most specific “I want to pay for my grandchild to attend UCLA in 6 years”, we’ll help you build a plan, using our skilled financial advisors and proprietary financial tools.
How’s your 401k? We strive to position all of your assets to work together. so we will review your active retirement plan investment options and provide a recommendation that aligns with your overall investment strategy. This way your active retirement plan and outside, liquid assets can work seamlessly together to help you meet your goals.
Do you have an estate plan? If not, don’t worry. Our estate planning specialists can help. They’ll discuss your current and future legacy goals in detail, review your existing estate structure, and provide suggestions on what should be adjusted over time to meet your objectives.
Many investors wind up with far too much, or far too little, insurance over time. They’ve either been sold policies over the years they don’t need, or they’ve avoided insurance agents for fear of being “sold.” We can provide a neutral review of your current insurance coverage. We’ll then provide a recommendation if you need more (or less) coverage. We’ll be acting as your fiduciary.
You don’t want to pay any more in taxes than you need. Our in-house planning team can provide general tax guidance and review past tax returns to help you manage taxes efficiently. While we don’t file your taxes for you, we want to help optimize this part of your financial life.
Our Fee Structure
We charge one all-inclusive annual management fee at a fraction of the cost of traditional financial institutions. There are no hidden fees, no trailing fees and no trade commissions.
For Investment Services & Wealth Management Clients
First $1M 0.89%
For Private Clients
First $3M 0.79%
Next $2M 0.69%
Next $5M 0.59%
Over $10M 0.49%
Includes family tiered billing

Ready to reach your goals?
Let’s start the conversation about becoming a member of our Private Client Service. You can reach us directly by phone, email or schedule a call with one of our advisors.
- 8310 S Valley Highway #300 Englewood, CO 80112
- Phone: 720-724-9039
- Email: [email protected]
- 8310 S Valley Highway #300 Englewood, CO 80112
- Phone: 720-724-9039
- Email: [email protected]